Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jillian's good friend who is on a mission. Elder Brock Rose.

We went to the Cheer Competition in California and the girls did an awesome job. We had some time to hang out at the beach and then we had the year end party for the girls at the Castlebrook Reception Center. They had a great time.

Jill's Senior Year and Cheering for the Viewmont Vikings

The Moms are half Korean and the daughters are quarter.
At the Bountiful Parade. The girls got very hot.
The cheerleaders had a cheer clinic and Adrie got to participate and they performed at the game.
We are at the Theater in California on our Cheer Competition Trip and we went to see "Wicked"
Jillian enjoyed going to Viewmont High School. Her dad graduated from there even though her siblings graduated from Davis High except for Andy who graduated from Layton High.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Katie & John and John went boogie boarding. The two John's had a great time golfing on the beautiful golf courses in Hawaii.

We are outside Katie & John's house.
John and I loved going to Hawaii. It was wonderful there.